Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 73 - Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

Unfortunately our usual blogger is in bed with Labrynthitis so the stand-in is on the case. 

After yesterday's damp and dreary weather it was a real pleasure to wake to bright sunshine. The warmth seemed to bring out the birds in droves such as the flock of Bluebirds in the following photos. Juliet said that in the past she had only seen one or two.

In addition to the birds I had great fun today with my head down the sump pump, trying to repair the joints the frozen pipes had popped during last weeks cold snap. Can't find any sump pump photos you will be glad to hear.

Hopefully by tomorrow our ace reporter will be feeling a little better and normal service will be resumed.


  1. Hope you soon feel better Juliet. Your stand-in has done aa great job!

  2. Hope you will soon feel better & are able to go with David


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