Friday 6 February 2015

Smithsonian Orchid Exhibition

When we were in Washington last weekend we visited this year's annual orchid show at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.  It is the 20th such show and entitled 'Orchids - Interlocking Science and Beauty'.

The first part of the exhibition showed the ways in which orchids were transported from the wild, including in these mini-greenhouses.

The greenhouse exhibit was very colorful..

I was particularly interested in an old image of a Conservatory for growing orchids and other hothouse species which was built and exhibited at the Bath and West Show in Bath in 1877.

Alongside was an image of a modern hothouse where orchids are grown industrially..

The exhibits showed micro propagation to satisfy mass markets and the way that hybrids/new varieties are developed.

Some of the individual orchids were quite spectacular..

1 comment:

  1. Looks very interesting. David's dad would enjoy that.


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