Thursday 15 October 2015

Natural Wonders

Yesterday when we walked alongside the lagoon after breakfast, there was a large green turtle swimming sedately along.  They are very elegant in the water, rather less so on land.

This one was looking for somewhere quiet to rest and he tucked himself in amongst the lava rock so that only his nose was showing.

Sunset can be quite spectacular at Waikaloa.  Here viewed behind bronze models of a ram and a sheep - and below highlighting this remarkable pink flowered rock plant which seems to grow with very little in the way of soil.

There is no better place to watch a sunset of course than from a conveniently placed hammock..

We have been very privileged to be able to return to enjoy the wonders of Hawaii, time to go back to work now..

1 comment:

  1. You could have got away with the suggestion that you had just caught two real sheep at the right moment.


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