Monday 24 April 2017

Harper's Ferry, West Virginia


Harper's Ferry is a small town which sits between the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers and hence at the borders of Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland.


It was an important industrial town in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century and, partly as a result of its strategic position on the rivers and with mountain lookouts around - and because of the railway which runs through it - was the site of significant civil war battles.

There are living history exhibits in the town and yesterday they were re-enacting scenes from the time of the war of 1812 (against the British).


The store was appropriately stocked for the time.


In another part of the town was the 'recruitment' office..





None of us were considered suitable for service and so we visited the tavern instead, where they were playing a series of nineteenth century games.


Our VIP visitors are returning to the UK tonight - maybe for a little rest. - after a busy two weeks spent in exploring parts of Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Washington DC.  It has been fun!

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