Monday 17 August 2015

Fast Moving Grass

The illustrations for this post are not very exciting - but bear with!

Yesterday Mum and I were sitting out in the garden and she picked a rather strange looking grass, just a single stem, growing between the patio stones.  She passed it to me and I laid it on my leg to photograph it, thinking that I might send the photo to Maggie for formal identification by Brian.

A little time passed and we continued to enjoy the sunny afternoon.   I glanced down at the grass and it has changed.  Small segments were opening up and pollen was scattering.  It was almost happening in front of our eyes..

Even when we took it inside it continued to open and release pollen.

Unfortunately we didn't manage a definite identification and wonder if it came from the bird seed..

1 comment:

  1. Not sure . Don't know if Brian would know. I would think the most likely source was the bird feed.


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