Monday 29 February 2016

Light Brunch

Sunday Brunch is taken very seriously here and it can be quite a big meal - often the menus will feature chicken and waffles or filet mignon with eggs.

All good, but we are trying to eat a little more healthily at present and so, when we ate out yesterday, I chose a starter of 'Iced Crudités with Tsaziki'.

The plate of crushed ice decorated with colourful vegetables looked great - although there were three different coloured cauliflowers - which added up to quite a lot of raw cauliflower!

I would have probably felt more virtuous if they hadn't brought us tiny Rocky Road squares at the end of the meal (which of course, we ate...)

1 comment:

  1. That certainly does look very healthy. I hope your gnashers were in good working order. Not sure what the point of the ice is.


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