Sunday 4 September 2016

Sweet-toothed visitors

Hummingbird nectar is a concentrated sugar solution and at this time of year the tiny little birds are feeding frequently in preparation for their migration south.

However, when the nectar feeders had been quite full at dusk but were empty in the morning, we were sure that someone else was helping themselves, as had happened occasionally at the other house.

David's infra-red wildlife camera on the decking revealed that our previous raccoon visitors - who had been taking grain from the regular bird feeders - were now visiting again, with their new family.

The raccoons stayed long enough to drink all the nectar..

This was a week ago and we re-arranged all the feeders onto long arms so that they were out of reach.  Or so we thought..

A couple of nights ago the camera captured this little acrobat.

It is quite difficult to see but the baby raccoon has climbed out along the narrow arm holding the feeder and managed to catch hold of it long enough to drink the sugary syrup!

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