In need of some fresh air and exercise this afternoon after a late-ish night entertaining our neighbours to dinner, we set off for a walk through Hunter's Wood, our nearest community woodland.
Reston is divided into a number of community areas and each has an outdoor swimming pool as well as woodland trails with recreation areas and nature houses. At present it is hard to imagine using the Hunter's Wood pool, which will be open from May to September. No doubt when summer comes it will be hard to believe that it was ever cold enough to snow!
The outdoor pools are currently frozen and the snowdrift in front of the entrance has yet to melt.
Further into the woods we disturbed two or three deer who were foraging amongst the leaves under the trees, one made a dash for cover..
There are not many signs of Spring to report in the woods - some snowdrops, a few ferns and this plant which I did not recognise, and did not photograph very well. It looked like mini- trees but with a spike of flower at the top.
The trees in the woods grow very tall, partly because they are competing for light. The fact that they grow so close together also means that a higher proportion become diseased and there are quite a few that are obviously dead but quite beautiful with bleached white branches against the blue sky.
It will be good to see the trees and undergrowth start to become greener again in the coming months.