The gardens and surrounding clifftop habitat at the Terranea resort where we stayed had a fascinating range of flowers and plants. Unfortunately I don't know their names!
They divided into two groups - those that were planted to create pleasant gardens and those that were closer to naturally occurring plants - they are easy to distinguish as the naturally occurring ones are virtually desert plants. It was noticeable though that even these were supported by additional watering carried through brown plastic pipes which covered the site.
This first plant (close-up below) reminded me of those very tall purple spikes of flower (Echeum?) that we had seen in San Francisco last year - and in Cornwall.
These large Paw Paw cactus which we encountered quite painfully in a smaller version at the Outer Banks last year were huge and appeared to be thriving on the cliff top.
You don't need to be visiting Botanic gardens! They all look beautiful. I love the bougainvillea. No giant lemons then?