Thursday, 12 May 2016

All Change

At 10.30 this morning the 'old' house was empty and the truck was full and on its way to the new one.  I was able to cadge a lift in the truck as David was already at the house for a walk through with the landlord.

David took a few photos as he waited for us to arrive.

Gradually it began to fill up..

Tonight the furniture is in place but we are surrounded by boxes, yet to be unpacked.

It doesn't feel anything like our home yet, but the view out of the lounge window is promising and there appear to be lots of birds in the trees so we will get the feeders set up shortly to see who we can entice over to the decking.

(Bug alert - stop now if you don't want to see..)

And finally, one of the not so great moments of the day came the first time I put the tap on in the bathroom and this popped out of the plug hole..

What a lot of legs!  You won't be surprised to hear that he is a member of the centipede/millipede family - specifically a house millipede.  Apparently a very useful insect to have around as it catches and consumes many pests, including cockroaches.  Unfortunately I didn't know this and in any case wasn't prepared to share the bathroom with him so out of the window he went.


  1. I expect he has crawled back in by now! Good luck with all that unpacking!

  2. The house looks lovely. Hope you'll both me very happy there. (There are a lot of bulbs in that chandelier to have to replace if they blow!)


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